miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2013

Interview with Julio Granda "La Voz de Galicia"

Julio Ernesto Granda Zuniga ( Camana , Peru , 1967), which answers the questions while the window greets school students Camariñas Areal , not a chess player to use . Admit that barely know how to use a computer , fleeing their limited training and modern paraphernalia , but lives in continuous journey around the world, is reluctant to let go of their land and their status as farmer. However, none of these peculiarities has prevented him from being the first great master of his country and stay , at age 46 , as one of the older players in the top 100 in the world.
- What do you think of the format and the scenarios chosen for this tournament Among Headlights ?
- The idea of ​​making the tournament in three lighthouses seems very nice and more creative than ever. He had played on towers and castles, but not with the windows open and the swell, that even you can give some inspiration . To me at least does not bother me , do not let myself be influenced by things outside the game normally. Moreover, this is not a mass activity , but if you have a tremendous potential as educational . The kids did a little show and were delighted. I think it's a symbiosis between culture , tourism and playful appearance . It can be very helpful.

- Why resists the new training methods ?
I've never been much of study . Furthermore, the just say know to use computers. I have a particular game but I'm very competitive . Some kids , in my opinion , too so cyber betting and if combinasen both would have an even greater potential . Devaluing the story seems a mistake, both a player and for anyone in other areas of life.
- Do you feel still need to live in the country and cultivate ?
- The people who live in the countryside is marked by it forever. I had to move to Lima , the capital for a while and I was missing something . I feel very identified with my home country and with the ground . Now I have eight years living in Spain , in Salamanca , with my family , but the urge to return to the land - pun intended - are still there. Besides the fact that Spain is a great place to live , say that on the floor I'm a bit like the canary in the cage .
- How does the constant trips to compete ?
- Competing at this level is virtually incompatible with family life . Now , thanks to the Internet , I can see only the best games and my activity is limited almost to that and tournaments , which suits me to be with my family . Otherwise, a lot of hours training , not sure I could follow.
- Find similar on the ground and crops in this area with your region?
'Here do not know much , but I 'm from the south, in the area of Arequipa , which is coastal and , in theory, should have a tropical climate , but it is not. Due to rain and ocean current only , except in the valleys , which are like oasis thanks to the rivers flowing down from the Andes, is quite dry. Still, planted almost everything and with very good flavor. I am that, to cultivate the garden, no intensive farming .
- What development prospects will see your region?
- Everything moves by big business interests , and not so much the people . Despite that, I think South America is finding its way and has much room for improvement .
- What do you think chances in this tournament ?
- I started well , but there is a lot, is very long. There will be a very close fight , for they are very young , but they're serious and are prepared . I find it hard for anyone to end up alone in the first place. I think it's something shared .
- The direct dealings you have with the other players Could people say they are rare ?
- Not at all . There are many stereotypes and assume that chess players should be eccentric people . We have a lot more normal profile . Not even the same computers are able to establish with certainty how they develop games , so there can be cataloged with a cliché to players.

July Granda chess grandmaster.

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